We provide specialist workplace mediation, facilitation and coaching services. Our approach is holistic, solution-focused and strength-based. Each dispute and organisation is unique, so our services are always tailored to the type of dispute and your organisational needs.
MediationMediation is a confidential process where an impartial and independent third person assists two or more people resolve conflict or disputed issues. The mediator provides a structured process to ensure that both parties are able to express their view of the issues and to feel heard. FacilitationWorkplace facilitation involves assisting groups of people to communicate more effectively, to strategise, and to develop plans. It is also used to facilitate team conflict resolution. CoachingThis can be done on an individual or group basis. It is used to develop skills in leadership, communication, or in dealing with workplace issues and relationships. Conflict coaching is highly effective when used alongside, or as an alternative to, mediation. It promotes self-reflection and perspective-taking. TrainingWe offer inhouse and off-site training. Training can be arranged in small or large groups. Inhouse training involves a faciliator conducting a workshop at your organisation. Topics may include conflict prevention, management and resolution in the workplace, mediation skills, effective communication, and emotional intelligence. Groups are trained in accordance with adult learning principles. Would you like to know more about? |