Hi Peace Creator!
I would personally like to thank you for subscribing to Mindful Mediation’s Resources, with the goal of reducing conflict in the world.
Below are 3 Workplace Conflict Resolution Resources, (please right click on the image and choose “Save As” to Download the Resources)
We hope you find these Resources helpful. Please provide us with feedback on what else you would like to receive or would find helpful.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
We look forward to staying in touch with you, and helping you create a more peaceful workplace.
Caryn Cridland
Caryn Cridland | Founder | Mindful Mediation Pty Ltd
Level 29, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000
T 1300 MINDFUL (646 338) | M 0410 346 946
| E [email protected] | W www.mindfulmediation.com.au |