One HALF PRICE TICKET to WORKPLACE MEDIATION TRAINING in Sydney or Melbourne to be WON. SAVE $2400. Like us on Facebook AND Follow us on Linkedin to enter the draw. Offer Closes 1 April.
Sydney 17-19 April,
Melbourne 15-17 May.
The Specialist Workplace Mediation Training Program gives you innovative tools to enhance your workplace conflict resolution skills, and develop as a specialist workplace mediator.
This advanced training program focuses on micro-skill building using a multi-disciplinary approach including evidence-based psychological, and leadership development strategies and techniques that consistently get results.
Mindful Mediation’s proven unique methodology has successfully resolved hundreds of workplace conflicts for a diverse array of organisations – regardless of people involved, the type of issues, or the size and type of organisation.
By the end of the program you will feel confident in knowing what to expect and do, at each stage of the workplace mediation process from the initial referral of the conflict, to following up and making recommendations to prevent future issues.
Discover a proven workplace mediation methodology that CONSISTENTLY GETS RESULTS. For more information Call 1300 646 338.